2031 Vision for Perth and Peel Released

WA Business News Article, 30-August-10, by Staff Reporters

The state government has mandated for at least 47 per cent of new residential development to occur in established urban areas under the new planning framework, Directions 2031 and Beyond, which was released today.

Directions 2031 replaces the previous Labor government's Network City strategy.

Planning Minister John Day released the document at a Planning Institute Australia forum today.

"According to ABS figures, the Perth and Peel regions are projected to grow from 1.65 million people to more than 2.2 million by 2031, requiring 328,000 new dwellings to accommodate this growth.

"Directions 2031 is a strategic framework which will assist the State Government in the sustainable management of this growth, while allowing it to maintain the features which contribute to the quality of life enjoyed in Perth and Peel.

"Directions 2031 includes housing and employment projections and a new hierarchy of activity centres connected by new and proposed movement and public transport networks.

Mr Day said the plan sought a 50 per cent improvement on current infill residential trends and also on average residential density in new development areas.

"To ensure growth of the city can be sustained beyond 2031, Directions 2031 sets a target of 47 per cent, or 154,000 of the required 328,000 dwellings, as infill development," he said.

The plan would be implemented through two sub-regional strategies for the central Perth metropolitan area and the outer metropolitan sub-regions of Perth and Peel, with both released today for public comment.

"The central Perth metropolitan sub-regional strategy has provisionally allocated the Directions 2031 infill housing targets across the 19 local government areas.

Mr Day said Directions 2031 was more practical and detailed than the Network City strategy.

He said network City had a somewhat unrealistic target of 60 per cent of urban growth to be achieved from infill development in the inner and middle suburbs.

Joanne Tapodi Creative

Joanne Tapodi Creative is a Squarespace website designer and brand expert who creates meaningful brands and intuitive websites for small businesses worldwide. I’m Perth’s leading Squarespace website designer and an Authorised Trainer and Circle Member in Perth, Australia.


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